Online Translation
Online translators have a ways to go, as proved by the new Microsoft Live Translator at
I ran a test, taking one English phrase, translating from it directly to a single language & then translating the results back to English. What I got back was always pretty far off the mark & often funny. I wound up sticking people & stores into cupboards. All the dishes never did get done. I wonder if this is how the teenage mind works?
Starting in English:
Put the groceries in the cupboard and then wash the dishes thoroughly.
to Dutch:
Zet de kruidenierswinkels in de kast en was grondig dan de schotels.
Back to English:
And were thorough then the dishes put the grocers in the cupboard.
to German:
Setzen Sie die Lebensmittelgeschäfte in den Schrank ein und waschen Sie dann die Teller gänzlich.
Back to English:
Insert the grocer's shops into the cabinet and wash you then the plates completely.
To Arabic:
وضعت الدكّان بقالة في الخزانة وبعد ذلك غسلت الأطباق تماما.
Back to English:
The shop put grocer in the cupboard and after that washers of the dishes completely.
To Japanese:
Back To English:
Put the food miscellaneous goods on the china cabinet, next wash the plate completely.
After 10 years of similar results, I didn't have my hopes set too high - a good thing!
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